Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"painting" 4

(Another roaring failure, although the concept still makes me smile. I'm posting it now in an attempt to rewire some neural pathways; it will also stop me wasting any more time attempting a fix. "painted" with Brushes on an iPod, 10/12/2009. Still annoyed that the colors look different in the exported PNG than on the iPod.)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"Painting" 3

(Ugh, problematic. But it would be cowardly not to upload it. "Painted" with Brushes on an iPod touch, 10/08/2009)

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Painting" 2

(gamma seems to be all screwed up by the brushes export - it is much darker on the PC than on the iPod. Anything I can do about that? "Painted" with Brushes on an iPod Touch, 9/28/2009)